The library had long since lost track of the loan but welcomed back to its collections the bound copy of a1902 volume of Vartija, an active religious monthly periodical at the time. 芬兰图书馆这本失而复得的书是当时很活跃的一本宗教月刊《瓦提加》1902年卷的合订本。
But if all you had were the books, Web sites, and articles/ tutorials mentioned here, you would have a practical library that could get you started well, and help you stay on track. 但如果您拥有了这里所提到的所有书籍、网站、文章或者教程,您应当已经拥有了一个使您良好开端并助您登堂入室的实用宝库。
If a library is missing, the configure script or possibly the build process itself will produce an error message, so you should be able to track down the relevant library. 如果一个库找不到,configure脚本有可能是构建进程自身将生成一个错误消息,您可能要追查到相关库。
Whenever a JSF tag library is installed in a Web project, the tool keeps track of the version of the library's configuration. 不论何时将JSF标签库安装到Web项目中,工具都会追踪库配置的版本。
Roger Franklin, senior analyst at Library House, said extrapolations from venture capital investment levels in the first half of 2007 suggested the UK was on track to see a decline of 10 to 20 per cent this year. LibraryHouse高级分析师罗杰•弗兰克林(RogerFranklin)表示,从今年上半年的风险资本投资水平推断,英国2007年的风险资本投资可能会减少10%至20%。
If the library is configured to track versions of files, you can add the revised file as a new version, which becomes part of the version history of the file. 如果库被配置为跟踪文件的版本,则可以将修订的文件添加为新版本,从而成为该文件版本记录的一部分。
If your library is configured to track versions of files, you can replace the existing file with the new version as part of the document history. 如果您的库配置为跟踪文件版本,则可以将现有文件作为文档历史的一部分替换为新版本。
This option is available if your library does not track versions, if it tracks all versions the same way, or if you are checking in a minor version. 如果库不跟踪版本,库以相同方式跟踪所有版本,或者您正在签入次要版本,则该选项可用。
If your library is set up to track both major and minor versions, the person who edits the file must first publish a major version of the file. 如果您的库设置为同时跟踪主要和次要版本,则编辑文件的用户必须先发布该文件的主要版本。
You have not used copy CD to add these songs to your media library, so edit track information cannot edit the track names. 尚未通过“复制cd”将这些歌曲添加到媒体库中,因此“编辑曲目信息”无法编辑这些曲目名称。
A library with versioning turned on can be set up to track only major versions of files, or it can be set up to track both major and minor versions. 可以对启用了版本控制的库进行设置以便只跟踪文件的主要版本,也可以将其设置为同时跟踪主要版本和次要版本。
Competition intelligence provides a chance for the library to come back from stagnation to the standing development track. 竞争情报为图书馆走出低谷、持续发展提供了契机。
One is establishing a library of Chinese characters, the other is recognizing the track of strokes on the handwritten board. 识别中主要是两方面的问题:建立汉字识别库和手写板上笔画轨迹的识别。
By means of conducting Fast Fourier Transformation ( FFT in short) on side link swinging angle operator to build its numerical atlas library and through fuzzy recognition a method is put forward for carrying out dimension synthesis of track of connecting rod. 提出了通过对连架杆摆角算子进行快速Fourier变换(简称FFT),建立其数值图谱库,经过模糊识别进行连杆轨迹尺度综合的方法;